Safety aspects

Eizellen - einfrieren - Sicherheitsaspekte Safety of cryo-storage of oocytes:

After freezing (vitrification), the oocytes are stored in liquid nitrogen
which prevents metabolic activity in the cell
thus ensuring an almost “unlimited” shelf-life.

Egg freezing involves a highly complicated technique and does not only require long-standing experience and precise working, but also the use of the safest, state-of-the-art carrier devices (so-called “straws”), such as VitriSafe®. This is to guarantee that the procedure is carried out under observance of the appropriate, legally defined safety criteria.

Dear Madame, dear couple, please note that the center in which you have placed your trust does not only claim to master the right techniques of cryopreservation, but can provide evidence through a certificate within the framework of a quality assurance system!

The background to these recommendations is that poor freezing/thawing techniques may lead to bad results after thawing. As the thawing process will take place in the future and its outcome will be irreversible it may endanger your future reproductive choices. It is thus crucial to attach the utmost importance to the highest quality standards.

CONCLUSION: You should require this quality certificate to be presented prior to commencing oocyte preservation. This certificate should confirm that within the process, more than 95% of the egg cells have been successfully thawed after cryopreservation (vitrification).

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News & interesting facts
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Univ. Prof. Dr. Herbert Zech
Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics

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